Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ten Tips for Making Sex Extra Special | Socyberty

Sex is a natural phenomenon. There is no standard posture, methodology, process or procedure to perform it. It is a unique feature for each individual. Strive for the best though but don’t do it half heartedly or when not in mood.

1. Don’t go for a fixed format every time: There is no standard format or posture for making sex. Repeating the same style every time makes it more mechanical.
2. Don’t haste: Don’t be in a hurry while making sex. Play it cool and be patient. Every moment is precious and in haste you may lose those moments which never come back.
3. Don’t delay: A peak time is always to be perceived and made the best of that. Don’t be too calculative but apply yourself to justify the peak with the best of union.
4. Don’t think too much: Do involve your brain with the heart while making sex with your partner but don’t apply the former too much during the game of reality of life. Actions speak better than thought and words in this case.

Read more:

Ten Tips for Making Sex Extra Special | Socyberty

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