Saturday, April 03, 2021

Collars - A Double Murder #poetry #BlogchatterA2z @blogchatter

She gripped my collars with both her hands, 
So tightly, 
That we both suffocated to death, 
Because of breathlessness.

We were standing on a cliff, 
So narrow to accommodate even two feet, 
Her feet were on mine, 
I would have been completely out of balance, 
But for her.

We have been here before, 
Many times, 
Just she and I, 
To test our closeness, 
And a little space of selfishness, 
Between the two of us.

Many times, 
I tried to get her too close, 
In an attempt to kill selfishness, 
But we both were selfish enough, 
To let her stay freely in that closeness.

Climbing on this cliff is an art, 
Which she taught me, 
She was an expert, 
I was a rookie, 
Now we both are experts in zooming-in and zooming-out.

I inhaled my cigar so intensely, 
That my chest started paining, 
I had no other option than to spit all my venom, 
On her face, 
She just turned blue from pink.

I never knew, 
One can be murdered just by holding collars, 
That was so easy, 
But now it was useless, 
It was too late to run back the time.

This was the only shirt, 
She gifted me on our first kiss, 
Tongue to tongue, 
And before I could guess, 
Transferred her poison pouch in my mouth.

She never found a reason to gigil, 
I never found a reason to love, 
But still we both lived together, 
As two strangers with two hearts and one brain, 
Stashed in a single body.

We were standing on that cliff, 
Squeezed too close not for love but fear, 
Had there been a little more space, 
I would have never let her come too close, 
Now I understood why she brought me here.

She wanted me to close my eyes with my mouth open and tongue out,
She wanted to plant our second kiss tongue to tongue, 
She pulled me in,
I pushed her out, 
And we both lost balance.

I would have survived if she had not gripped my collars before falling from that steep height,
I had enough time to listen to my heart to unzip my collars and let her fall,
But mind was common, and I had already done a blunder of our first kiss, 
I had to suffocate to death with her,
Because she was my alter ego with her collars on me.

This post is powered by Blogchatter. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z - 2021


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