Sunday, September 29, 2019

How can I make my relationship better? #RelationshipAdvice

It takes a lot to build a relationship. As it says 'Rome was not built in a day'. The same applies to relationship. It takes time and space to grow it. As in a budding plant you need to water it every day, it needs fresh air, and then there is sunlight that plays a major role in its growth. So does happen in a relationship. Merely thinking that staying together for some days,months, or years will automatically make it stronger, is a misnomer. Also, providing space in a relationship does not merely mean that you let your partner do anything that is against nature, love, life, you, or himself/herself.

Like one of my friends said, “She loves drinking and partying with her friends and I give her ample space to do it.”

I asked, “What do you do all those times when she is not with you? Was she having the same preferences 8 years back when you got married? Do you miss her when you both don't meet and talk for days despite living in the same house?” etc.

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It took him a while to answer my questions as I had told him to answer only if it is possilble to answer sincerely. The answers he gave were a revealation for himself. Probably they both were letting the life go with the tide of its own without realizing a bit if it was moving in the right direction? At time, you need to release accelerator and press breaks in order to control the speed. Also, you can't change direction while running in a high speed. You need to decrease speed, may be stop for a while to introspect and then decide again the right direction to move together, hand in hand, happy and smilingly.

You always need to keep things in control. When you feel it is getting out of control and you are helpless or clueless in getting it back on track, you need to go for relationship advice. Finding relationship advice is not difficult. You just need to find the right person. That's it.
Comments please!

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