Sunday, July 20, 2014

5 Black That Make Life Beautiful - Yours and Mine

Black is a color of strength. It gives a feeling of mystery. It says there is always something in store to reveal more. If I have to think of 5 black that can make my life beautiful, it could be as follows:

I would love to have a roof of my life as night sky so that all good deeds done by me throughout the life sparkle and twinkle like stars. 

I would love to buy Tahiti's black pearl ring for someone I love most to make her appear to be the most beautiful person on this earth!

I would love to have a road - black, strong and long lasting - to travel on the life path - straight ward - on a simple and purposeful track with no deviations around - no shortcuts - no sideways. It has to be just a long road, to travel without any fear, and with full determination and passion. The trees on the sides of this road must carry the fruits of tolerance, hard work, sincerity, respect, trust, and prayer.

Cakes and pastries are your weakness. I know that very well. And that is why I plan to buy a special and unique – Pirates of the Caribbean Black Pearl Cake for you.  The only word that I anticipate coming out of your month after having a look at it is – Awesome!

Music is life for both of us and we both know it well. You love playing on Piano since childhood and I love listening to it when you are playing it. For last many years when the instrument got damaged and was declared as non-repairable, it has been your hearty desire to buy a new one. Well, the day has come when I am about to bring a new Steinway Grand Piano for you. 

This post is a part of #WhatTheBlack activity at

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