Sunday, May 04, 2014

Author Interview: Bonnie Edwards: Author of Slow Hand

1) Some of my best childhood memories revolve around reading. My sister would go to the library and bring home Curious George books and read them to me. I struggled to read them myself but the font was cursive so I found the books a challenge. But I was only about 5. I do recall her explaining the letters to me because I knew my printed letters and could read those quite well. Then, my next, most wonderful memory was going to the library on a field trip with my school class. I walked into the building and drank in the scent of books, glorious books! I've never forgotten the joy of those first steps inside the building. All those books for me to was akin to finding a buried pirate treasure.

2) As for career plans, at various points in my early years, I wanted to be an archaeologist, then an historian, then I started to think about the things I didn't want to be: waitress, airline hostess, nurse, teacher. I think I was actively ignoring my desire to write. I didn't understand it and my family would not have understood my desire to be involved in the arts. This all came to a head when I had two young children and I was a housewife with my mind going to mush and I knew I had to do something to help myself. Some need within me was being ignored.

3) To my great relief, I finally decided to attempt to write a romance novel. Immediately, happiness returned. I felt complete, challenged (I still love a challenge: see my Curious George comment), and I felt fulfilled.

4) Romance novels are my favorite genre and the only one I write. Within that realm I write contemporary romance, some erotic romance, and stories that veer toward women's fiction with strong romantic elements. I've written some paranormal romances too: ghosts, curses, and the light side of paranormal. A little magic to help the romance, you might say. I have published my books with Kensington Books, Harlequin, Carina Press and Robinson in the UK. 

5) Going forward, I'll continue to release revised versions of previously published works. Slow Ride and Body Work were originally published by Kensington Books. My next release is my haunted bordello book, which was originally published in Trade paperback by Kensington. I am revising and updating the book right now and plan to have it available for sale before July. The second book in the series will follow shortly after.

Aside from re-releasing my backlist, I'm working on a brand new paranormal romance series that is a quest across Canada. Four brothers have been cursed into the future (today) and must find their hidden fortune. This quest takes them from the Pacific Ocean across the Prairies and through Ontario to the Great Lakes. A grand adventure! They find love (of course) and I'm now revising with an eye to publishing the first of the series before year's end. 

Also, I'm writing a first draft of a mostly women's fiction story about a failed actress who returns to her small town and realizes she must rescue her young niece from the machinations of her stagestruck grandmother. In the course of that story, my heroine, Mercy, learns how to live her life for herself and to follow her own dreams while struggling with feelings for her widowed brother-in-law.

As you can see, I have a wide and varied interest in different types of stories, but the unifying thread is always romance. 

6) Slow Hand and Body Work are connected stories and Slow Hand runs concurrently with Body Work. They do not have to be read in any particular order. Both are very hot and sexy and are garnering wonderful reviews. On AMAZON US I see reviews that say: Superbly written!   Great Chemistry. Great story-telling and I couldn't put it down.
Both books have an average of 4.5 stars. 

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