Saturday, December 15, 2012

Poetry: She Struggling For Straight Hair: This Way Or That Way

Straight Hair

Was never sure this way or that way
Some said Straight, others - Curly
I was never sure on whom to follow
In experimenting on this and that
Lost Natural quite early...
Lost between the two worlds of
straight hair and curly hair.

A friend suggested use ropes
for tying one end to my hair and
another to the corners of the room
if I had to straighten my hair
I had to follow this rule.
Poetry: She Struggling For Straight Hair: This Way Or That Way
Straight Hair

Some Aunt came out with
brilliant ideas of ironing the hair
and keep watching me doing it
sitting on a chair.

Another suggestion came
to stick hair on the wall with glue
and hours standing
my face became blue.

A hard brush is what you require
some friend told,
and the over usage of that
saw me in pain on the floor - rolled.
She kept struggling for
straight hair.

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