Friday, December 31, 2021

Rumi's Little Book Of Life #pebbleinwaterswrites #books #bookreview #tbrchallenge #bookchatter @blogchatter

Rumi's Little Book of Life: The Garden Of The Soul, The Heart, And The Spirit has been translated from Persian to English by Maryam Mafi and Azima Malita Kolin. This 13th century persian poet's poetry is as young today as it was at the time of its creation by this great poet. The book contains a little less than 200 of his superb poems that were originally written in Persian or pushto. I am a die hard fan of Rumi's poetry since my college days. It was mesmerizing at that time. It's still mesmerizing and magical. I think nothing can beat Rumi's creation. The book is divided in three sections - the heart, the soul, and the spirit. This 220-page book took me less than two hours to finish but then when I read it again it came out with an altogether a new meaning to me.

Rumi's Little Book Of Life #pebbleinwaterswrites #books #bookreview #tbrchallenge #bookchatter @blogchatter

One time finish of Rumi's Little Book of Life: The Garden Of The Soul, The Heart, And The Spirit didn't satisfy me actually. I was having a deep urge to read it again. And after reading it several times, I still have the same urge to read it again. I can read it endlessly, time and again. Here is one of my favorite from this book - 

“Tell me,” my lover asked me tenderly, “how could you live without me?” I said, “without you I am lost like a fish out of water.” He smiled, “This is only your own fault.”

The kind of untouched tenderness, spirituality, and sincere expressions is the hallmark of this great poet of unmatched creative qualities. 

Here is another one - 

If one were to tell an unborn child that outside the womb there is a glorious world with green fields and lush gardens high mountains and vast seas, with a sky lit by the sun and the moon, the unborn would not believe such absurdity. Still in the dark womb how could he imagine the indescribable majesty of this world? In the same way, when the mystics speak of worlds beyond scent and color, the common man deafened by greed and blinded by self-interest cannot grasp their reality.

Rumi's Little Book of Life: The Garden Of The Soul, The Heart, And The Spirit is indeed a lifetime collection. 

You can buy the book here. (Disclaimer: This is my affiliate link as I am an influencer on Amazon).

I'm participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter.

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