Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Quirky Q #BlogchatterA2z #poetry

What if I call you my querquedule? 
I will become your counterpart, 
with a broad white stripe, 
from eye to nape.

If you become a quark and I, 
an antiquark, 
We both can live together, 
in this universe as quarkonium. 

First time I saw you, 
you became my quaaltagh

We both make a good quader
We never have to figure out, 
if there's anything better in life, 
than you and me? 

Quirky Q #BlogchatterA2z #poetry
Photo credit: S!nny on Visualhunt.com

We meet at a quadrivium
and then there was no turning back, 
We had only one path ahead, 
Path of unity. 

When you told we are together
for only a few days, 
I made every second of that
a quadragesimal.

As long as you are with me, 
it's all quaff-tide
Whether you agree to it, 
or not. 

Your love is the biggest, 
and the only one
Quandorum in my life, 
nothing more nothing less. 

You can see very well, 
all the time I am 
Filled with your love. 

The moment that, 
love of yours go missing, 
I just go, 

During those moments, 
Every situation for me, 

You were, are, and will remain, 
my quean, 
And I forever yours

Before you even think of, 
calling me, 
I will be there, 

With you in my life, 
What else I need, 
I am okay with

Now, for me, it really, 
doesn't matter, what I like, 
What I don't, 
It's just quicquidlibet

When it's you, 
with me, 
nothing is, 

When you are not around, 
I’m so confused, 
And lost, that every moment is, 

Your eyes are so full, 
And I am thirsty for life, 
I am just
Quifting, every moment. 

Your eyes are nothing
But deep oceans
Whenever I dived in
I Quobbled

The whole world is
Busy in
Quomodocunquize, and I 
In you. 

This post is powered by Blogchatter

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z - 2021

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