Friday, March 05, 2021

Once Upon a Reunion by Nithya K @writernithya #BookReview #Books

Well, there are many interesting things about this book. Though the story is not such that I finished it in one go but still it had something to keep me and my Kindle engaged with each other for a few days.

The story is very normal. It has nothing special in it. It looks more like the author just jotting down a story of school reunion in the most simple manner. Not only that, but it is very slow. No twists. Nothing much that holds a reader to the story. It's almost dry and boring. All these ideas I was carrying about the book till I finished half of the book. The next half proved me totally wrong. I think that was a clever step taken by the author to keep it like that and then give readers a good surprise.

Once Upon a Reunion by Nithya K @writernithya #BookReview #Books

The next half of the story, rather, has a lot of twist and turns. It has a number of completely unexpected revelations. That is the beauty of the story. All of a sudden from a plain story about a reunion, it becomes full of different colors of suspense, mystery, crime, love, hate, deceit, and what not. In fact, while finishing it, it was reminding me of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and Nithya Sashi. It's an interesting deal. If you like reading fiction with all different colors which I mentioned above, then go for it.
Once Upon a Reunion by Nithya K @writernithya #BookReview #Books

Of all things, the crux of the story is if you have loved and lost Suresh Guruswamy in your life, you have all probability to find him again at Dubai Airport. That one might not be yours, though. Another point, if your closest of the friends ditch you in any walk of life, be prepared for the jolt. By the time Suri came to know about it, it was too late, and he had to pay heavily for it. Indraneels and Artis are difficult to identify in life. Sia was an accident in Swamy's life. People like Sreenu are rare to find, but they exist. If Nirmala had not met Sreenivas, she would have never been able to bear her loss. You always need somebody to hold you in those times.

An interesting quote from the book - "Some relationships are to be cherished for life, some come only till halfway through."

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