Thursday, March 25, 2021

It happened in Bengaluru by ABSUM #BookReview #Books @authorabsum

It happened in Bengaluru is an interesting story of Aryan, our protagonist in the story of this book titled - 'It Happened In Bengaluru - Where A Winner Resigned To Conquer'. It's a motivational corporate journey story. Not only that, but it is a transformational journey from corporate slavery to self realization. The story depicts clearly how in a corporate rat race at what ever position one is, it remains just a blind race just to please your bosses. And in that journey one forgets about his /her personal and social life /desires /aspirations /happiness. Only few things one remembers in that blind and dumb race is appraisals, meetings, follow-ups, plans, executions, salary, and the biggest thing of all - losing job.

It would not have been difficult for the author, himself being a software engineer, to encapsulate numerous incidents of corporate whims and fancies and stitch them in a magical manner. The storytelling mechanism of the author narrating Aryan's transformational journey is quite fascinating. This is not a spiritual book. It is more of a guiding, self-help, intriguing, introspective, inspirational, and motivational story. I think, it will prove to be quite useful for anyone belonging to the corporate world to get deeper insights of its tantrums and how to get out of its clutches that enslave your mind horribly. The presentation of the story is quite powerful. The fictional characters are built in a very natural manner. In fact, the story and characters keep the readers hooked well to the story.

It happened in Bengaluru by ABSUM #BookReview #Books @authorabsum

This philosophical strategy building story gives a lot of clarity on how to play your cards will in your corporate job in such a balanced way that you are well able to make you weekends joyful and meaningful. Somehow, I didn't like the end quite well. It could have been much stronger and different from what Aryan leads to after resigning from his well set corporate job. Overall, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Correlation of life strategies with the game of chess is very interestingly taken up by the Author in the story of 'It Happened In Bengaluru'.

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