Tuesday, March 16, 2021

How It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatter

I am definitely on cloud 9 after receiving this treasure box from Blogchatter. This is not a normal gift box. This is something very special. With so beautiful things in it, and each item curated so well after a thorough thoughtful decision. Each item is worthy of generating a lot of ideas to help keep running on This passionate path of blogging. I remember when initially I got email from Blogchatter about blogging and joining it, I didn't have a fair idea about it that what is it all about and what are they going to do so uniquely to awake a lazy person like me and make me participate in their various initiatives. Believe me, once I visited the site and read through different initiatives on the platter, I got hooked to it. Not hooked, rather addicted. It is because each of the initiative is mindfully challenging and connecting.

How It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatter

I used to be an avid book reader and reviewer. But for a long time this passion got dissolved or suppressed somewhere, unknowingly, silently. It was Blogchatter that touched that corner of my heart so magically that I am back on track. Their reading challenge really challenged me in a very positive manner and set my own goal of reading books. That was one of the reasons to get this title of Blogger Of The Month of February. Getting it in the month of my birth made it super special. There are interesting books available to opt for reviewing under Book Review. Second top reason I think is Cause A Chatter. The causes zeroed down were so good to force me to introspect, think, research, and write on those topics. I chose all the causes because each of the cause is a matter of concern in today's environment.

I feel whosoever is behind these wonderful activities on Blogchatter is either a magician or a psychologist. Another immersive dimension was a parallel enchanting engagement on social media platforms Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. On both Twitter and Facebook, the agenda and engagement stream is very different but magnetically hooking. While on Facebook, it's video interactions, interviews, discussions, etc; on Twitter its more of insightful and interesting chats with bloggers in a very organized and structured manner. The Creative Soul Club is one of the interesting campaign on Blogchatter. Blogchatter A2Z 2021 is another good one. On Blogchatter, there are secret stickers to earn. Like, by now, I have been able to earn only one sticker so far. Now, coming to my gift box, let me tell about the treasures one by one. The box itself is so beautiful and impressive.

Inside, the things are kept with so much of warmth and love from Blogchatter. It's a box of a lot of positive energy. I am a power blogger at Blogchatter. This is a special box of creativity curated lovingly by Blogchatter. Blogchatter in a way is propagator, initiator, catalyst, and transformer for bloggers helping them reinvent themselves, evolve in the best possible manner, and become a creative soul.

How It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatter


  1. Vegan leather passport cover - to remember wherever I am, in air, on earth, or on water, that I am a creative soul and don't forget your creativity sparing any moment in life go unnoticed.

  2. Masala chai - to remember that whatever I create, adding a bit is masala to it makes a big difference. Does it?

  3. Frame - to remember that each moment in life is a new story and reach story needs a frame after I capture that moment.

  4. Uno - to remember that if any creative blocks that come in the way, beat them away with it and follow a free flow path.

  5. Magnet - to remember that every creativity has to have a magnetic effect else it will remain as a simple piece of iron.

  6. Diaries - to remember that every word has a reason to land in the diary.

  7. Honey - to remember that creative pieces have to be sweet and pure.

In a way, every piece in the box is a source of energy and a golden remembrance.

By the way, after opening this box, that bottle of honey has vanished. Sporadically, I just keep calling - Hey Honey, where are you?

Have you seen my Honey, by any chance?


How It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatterHow It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatter

How It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatterHow It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatter

How It Feels To Be Top @BlogChatter Blogger Of The Month #BlogChatter


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